You may be visting this page as you have been asked to set up or access an account with BookIt. Please review the below FAQs for information on BookIt and why you are being asked to set up an account.
What is BookIt?
BookIt is a New Zealand owned and operated market-leading bookable tourism database. We’re adopted by thousands of kiwi tourism businesses, covering the entire country from Great Barrier Island down to Stewart Island and everywhere in between.
We provide the ‘behind the scenes’ booking functionality for tourism operators, i-SITEs, destinations, regional tourism organisations and resellers.
As a guest, the BookIt booking platform allows you to make real-time bookings for a range of accommodation, tours, attractions and events. You’ll probably make your booking in person by visiting a local i-SITE or online from the comfort of your home, office or mobile by visiting a tourism website powered by BookIt’s extensive tourism database.
Why do I need a Guest Account?
Your centralised account within BookIt will allow you to:
✔ Viewing all your bookings
✔ Request or make changes to your booking/s
✔ Pay for any outstanding balances due
✔ Conveniently making new bookings
Asking you to log in to your account is an important security measure to prevent unauthorised access to your personal information relating to your bookings.
What if I don’t want to set up an Account?
By setting up your account you will have access to manage and make secure payments for your bookings. If you do not wish to create an account, then you can make changes to your bookings by contacting the organisation managing your booking.
How do I know who I’ve booked with?
Each time you book you’ll receive a branded booking notification telling you who you’ve booked with and who to contact if you need help.
How do I know the booking was made using the BookIt platform?
If you have booked through an i-SITE or another one of our destination partners, you may not see the BookIt logo or information on your booking notifications. However, the booking email you receive will be from ‘’.
Because BookIt powers so many booking partners we’ve also made it easy for you as the guest to access your booking details in a safe and secure way with your own ‘guest account’.
Login tips